Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ooof, exercise log

I have been battling tendonitis in my achilles. It sucks. What happened was I had been doing my regular workout routines (one day running on the treadmill, another day riding the bike, another day on the elliptical) and I read an article in a magazine which told me specifically how to do a treadmill routine so I could get the maximum benefit in the minimum amount of time.

I had been running at a clip of between 4.5-5.0 mph. I had been using an incline of between 0 - 6.0. This article suggested that I go slower and vary my incline more. It suggested that I do 5 minutes at a warmup of 0 incline and 3.0 mph, then adjust to 5 incline at the same speed for another 5 minutes.

Then 5 minutes at a 10 incline at 3.1 speed, then 5 minutes at a 15 incline at 3.1 mph.
Then 5 minutes at a 10 incline at 3.2 mph, then 5 minutes at 15 incline at 3.2 mph.
Then 5 minutes at a 10 incline at 3.3 mph, then 5 minutes at 15 incline at 3.3 mph.
Then 5 minutes at a 10 incline at 3.4 mph, then 5 minutes at 15 incline at 3.4 mph.
Then 5 minutes at a 10 incline at 3.5 mph, then 5 minutes at 15 incline at 3.5 mph.

Then you cool down and you're done with your workout in 40 minutes (obviously I got something wrong up there because it's not an hour long workout).

Anyhoo... Since I was used to very little incline, bumping it up so much so fast must've bugged my achilles tendon and it began to hurt.

Like when I did downward dog in yoga, I thought I was going to fall over because my achilles/heel screamed at me.

So, I have been trying to take the doctor's orders and take it easy. Ice. Naproxen. Bummer.

Of course, I had just signed up to take a Zumba class at the Rec Center and it's very difficult to stay off your feet, and rest, and ice, when you're dancing like the latin dance star you know you are.

Today, I got to the gym and rode the bike. I got about 6.5 miles in half an hour. No pain in the achilles during or after the workout. Tomorrow is yoga. Modified of course.

I'm searching for a cold laser/low level laser therapist who can help with this achilles thing. I do not do well with an order to "rest". I am not a good patient.